Homeschool Co-op of the Shoals
Our co-op is a 501(c)3 non profit group!
We are excited to announce our co-op can now accept tax deductible donations! We strive to enrich the education of homeschoolers in the Shoals area and we appreciate any additional help in doing so.
As we all know from being homeschool families, any educating we provide our children comes directly from us as parents: in time, money, resources, effort, knowledge...the list goes on! Help in any way goes a long way! Because we are a tax exempt non profit group that relies purely on volunteer leadership - any donations or grants this group receives can go directly to the children.
Some wonderful ways donations would help our group:
Improve the quality of our classes
Add enriching events such as: Science Fairs, Competitions, Guest Speakers
Bring in Professionals/Experts to provide classes such as: American Sign Language, Robotics, Theater Director, Artists, Carpenters, Math and Reading Tutors/Workshops.
Supplies such as: Science Lab equipment, Theater equipment and props, Robotics kits, Art and Creating supplies.
We are incredibly blessed with dedicated parents that are looking to invest in our homeschooled children. Any donations and grants our group receives helps our families accomplish so much more!
If you or someone you know would like to donate, let us know by emailing Thank you!